Friday, December 6, 2013


This programmed named SANTAI DE JERAI and it was held on 24-25 MAY 2013. It was a joint-ventured programme between the KLKM UUM Club and IBMS UUM and there were 40 student who involved in this activity. We started the programme by boarding the bus at 7.00am. Then, the bus moved to RNR GURUN and we had our breakfast there. Everyone enjoyed their breakfast very much. haha Some of us packing some heavy meals such as nasi berlauk and fried mee because they want have their lunch during the hiking.

When we reach at Yan, they did some warming up to make them stay fresh and fit. Everyone look happy to begin this hiking. After that, we started hiking !!!

Half of the journey, we had our luch together. Its was the delicious lunch ever. haha everyone were very hungry and starving because we were very tired.

In the evening we reached the peak of Mount Jerai !!!
Is was an awesome view from here.seriously. 

That night, we did some of the club activities to cheer up all the participants. 11.00pm, everyone were sleepy and we slept in our own tent.

Early in the next morning , we set up tent and had a breakfast. Then, we did some gotong-royong first before we went down. 

Some images before we going down.

it was an enjoyable and unforgetabble experience for us.
Mount Jerai, we will met again !

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